Chatbots have become a key interaction tool between brands and users. This service acts as one of the first points of contact with the company´s audience. These interactions will eventually lead to a formal opinion about the brand, which could have influence on the “user journey” and potentially into a conversion or new client.

Electronic IDentification has launched the chatbot HelloID, which makes the implementation of this technology easier and quicker. This ultimately will reduce the time for which a company can offer this service.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is an informatic software that mimics a human conversation from a series of questions to the user. An interaction with the client is made without any intervertion from a human agent.

Implementing this service on a company´s website brings several benefits. Chatbots are available 24 hours for online assistance, which allows the user to resolve any doubts at any point, leading to a better brand image.

A high level of personalisation in all services provided by the comany is required in order to generate trust with the client. Some chatbots are slow and requiere a long interaction process with the users as they are not fully tailored to the brand or the client, damaging customer experience.

HelloID, eID´s new chatbot, goes above and beyond all expectations as it provides a fully customisable service to your brand. It also allows for it to be implemented in a matter of hours, something groundbreaking for the market.

HelloID, a digital onboarding process in a matter of hours

To help save time when implementing digital onboarding processes, Electronic IDentification has launched its new digital service, HelloID, the chatbot that can be beneficial for any sector looking to enhance its client base.

This process is, however, especially important for finance and government companies, where a quick chatbot implementation is imperative. HelloID reduces implementation time, making it the ideal service for these kind of companies.

HelloID, which is also a eIDAS compliant, provides a faster “customer journey” through the chatbot in a matter of minutes, reducing costs in the process.

If you want to know more about the regulations which affect these processes, download here our eIDAS and AML5 guides.

Easy to implement chatbot

HelloID reduces “time to market” from months to hours in a new digital onboarding process through the chatbot, which leads to a better client acquisition rate.

This electronic service comes with several benefits, one of them being a simple and easy implementation which is possible through a HTML code injection on the website.

HelloID also allows to be customised with logos and creatives tailored to the brand.

Benefits of chatbot HelloID

HelloID provides a unique onboarding digital service, as it has the fastest and easiest implementation process on the market. Furthermore, this chatbot is also KYC and AML compliant, as well as following other european regulations.

This is posible as it has predeterminated templates available which reduce customer user design time from an average of 4 weeks to just hours.

HelloID also has all the necessary technology implemented to improve user interaction through the chatbot:

Identification: This process is needed to be able to perform any online operations by verifying their online identity, making sure that the user is the person who they claim to be.

Qualified electronic signature: Also known as QES, it provides a safe method which verifies online identification.

-Omnichannel: HelloID improves any process as it can be implemented and served through any channel or device, offering the user an optimised and tailored experience.

If you want to know how to change your time-to-market from 3 weeks to 3 minutes, download here a video identification process guide.